First draft of music magazine
The first stage of my planning for my music magazine is to make an initial draft, which shows my basic ideas. Most of these ideas come from my own ideas and some from the survey I did. My next drafts will be more influenced by market research then they were this time because I plan to do more.Front Cover
This is the first draft of my front cover. I have used an image of the front cover of The Fly to compare it to. I have done this for many reasons: one is that it is a similar magazine look to what I want to achieve as it is the same genre of music. As well as that, it also shows some conventions that I want my magazine to subvert. I have also done annotations linking them together because it will help me in the future to know why I have put each part of the front cover where it is and why it is a good idea for me do to that.
Contents page
I have made this initial draft of my contents page because I need to know how I want this page to look to help me with future planning as well as future construction. It also helps to show my development of this page. I have chosen to compare my draft to NME's contents page as I think that the way NME sets theirs out is very clear and helps the reader get to certain pages. As I am aiming to produce a professional magazine, so by comparing my drafts to an existing one it should help it look like a successful magazine. I have used the annotations to show what it is I like about this contents page and why I like it.
This is my initial draft for my double page spread article. I have compared it also to an NME article. I chose this article to compare it to because I think the genre is quite similar to that of my music magazine (not completely though) as well as their being a lot of interesting conventions used on this page. Again, the annotations show what I liked and used from the article as well as what I didn't like and didn't use.
Pitch for music magazine
My next research task was to make a pitch on prezi showing how I would market my magazine in the real world and why it would be successful. I had to include sections about all different parts of the magazine, including visual style, which publisher I would pitch to, representations and lots more. I have made this prezi to show why exactly I have chosen indie as my genre of magazine and also justify why it is a good idea.
I also made scripts for some of the voice overs in my pitch. I did not write a script for every single voice note and I did not follow the scripts I had exactly because I wanted it to sound more natural and at ease, like my magazine will be.
Click here to view my scripts
Development of music magazine
In this task, I had to make a prezi showing some of the different stages taken and decisions made in order to get to the point of planning I am at now. I did this so I could get audience feedback on different ideas I had and also so I could get an idea of what my audience might like later on. This has impacted my planning massively because not only have I now decided on the masthead of my magazine, but also the name and other typefaces that I will use.
Magazine article ideas
One big part of my cousework is the article for my double page spread. I started this task with a mind-map because it will show me my ideas clearly and help me when writing the article.
I then used my survey results from a while ago to help me decide. This is because I asked a question wondering what people would want to see in a music magazine. This is what they said:
This shows that the target audience want an interview article, with some album and artist reviewing throughout. . My article will be an interview about the artist on the front cover because the double page spread is the main article in the magazine and the main person featured on the front is what some people buy the magazine for.
The article
After doing some research into different types of interviews, I discovered that there are two main types of interview's I could do. The one I chose to do was a question and answer style format because this is more suitable to my target audience of 16-21 year olds as they would prefer text broken up into more manageable sections. It would also be more eye catching as the reader looks through because they may want something quick and easy to read and this is it.
I got feedback from my target audience about my first draft (seen at top of page) to help me develop my ideas to make the second draft. I also made a list of all the things I would change and things I would not. This is the feedback and list of details I would change:
Second draft of music magazine
The next part of my planning involved taking the advice I got from my target audience and adding it to new drafts. I took the idea from one of my target audience members to make the magazine look and feel more like Clash magazine because they thought that would be a good look to go for. I did this so that I have two options to put together when it comes to my third draft. It was important for me to make a second draft because it would show me the mistakes I made in the first and also incorporate the wants of my target audience.
Front Cover
Double page spread article
Front Cover
Feedback from second draft
After I drew my second drafts, I asked my target audience to give me feedback on it so that I could see if there was anything I need to change for my third and final draft.
Images of location
Seen as I didn't have a lesson of media, I decided to go to the location of where I have been planning to take my photos because it will give me a good idea of if it is suitable or not. (The photos are not very good quality because it is just for my own reference and not for my actual magazine.)
Third draft of music magazine
The next task I did was to make my third draft of my music magazine. I did this so that I could have a clear idea of what I will be constructing over the next few weeks and also so that I could see how my ideas have changed since the first draft I made. For these drafts, I decided not to used colour as I did for the second ones because I need them to be neat and clear to read for when it comes to my construction. I also wanted to mainly focus on the final layout and different parts of the text, such as coverlines, so I won't need to spend time on this later.
Front Cover
I placed the masthead at the top of the page to follow music magazine conventions and also because otherwise the audience may confuse is with the other text on the cover. As well as that, if the magazine was at the back of a shelf for example, the masthead would only be able to be seen if it is at the top and if the audience cannot see the masthead - it may deter them from purchasing it. The typeface I have used is my target audience's favourite typeface called "Rodondo". I chose this, not only because it was my audience's favourite, but also because I think it nicely connotes the chilled, laid back feel that indie music has. (You can read more about this typeface in my "development of music magazine" prezi). I am probably going to make the masthead white because it feel it will contrast with the background image and stand out, however this will depend on exactly how I take the picture.
My two previous drafts showed two different ways that I could take the image - one was a long shot and one was a close up image. Since then, I have compromised so that I have a mid-close up shot for my front cover. I changed it to this because my audience feedback from my first draft showed that they would prefer an image where the artist is closer the the camera. However, I did not make it a close up shot because I want to show a large amount of the background of the image and a close up shot would not allow me to do this. The image will have a direct mode of address and this is because I want the reader to feel involved and comfortable with the magazine and the genre of music. Also, the artists head will be placed in front of the masthead and the background of the image will be behind because I feel this makes the magazine look more professional.
This headline follows normal music magazine conventions because it is in a large typeface and will be in a colour which contrasts to it's background, this will help it to stand out and show that it is the main article. The wording I have used makes it clear to the reader what the article is, whilst also intriguing the reader with a pull quote.
I have followed another magazine convention because I have put the barcode in the bottom, right corner so that it is less noticeable and doesn't take away from anything important on the magazine front cover.
I have placed the price next to the barcode in the bottom, right corner. I put it there because I do not want it to be the first thing the reader sees when they pick up the magazine. This follows a strong magazine convention, therefore I know that it is a good idea and the right place to put it.
I have used a PUG to make the competition stand out from the rest of the page. What I have done it put the coverline saying "WIN tickets to see JONSI LIVE", not only does the PUG make it stand out, but the important words that will get the reader's attention are made more noticeable with capital letters. This is so they stand out in the readers mind.
I have used 3 other coverlines to help entice the reader. One of them is a coverline relating to an article, another is a "GIGs" coverline which will help the audience to find their favourite gigs in the area and the last one is a "Plus" coverline. The plus coverline helps to give the magazine a wider audience and more appeal because if the audience don't like the artist on the front, they get all these other options to convince them to buy the magazine.
Contents page
I got the idea of calling the contents page of my magazine "Inside This Issue" from the research I did for my first draft into NME's contents page. They called their page "Inside This Week" and I thought this was just a lot more suitable for my target audience and made the magazine seem a lot more friendly.
The layout of the pictures was also influenced by NME because I really liked how clear and simple the layout is, my feedback showed that my target audience likes this layout too.
The page numbers for each items mentioned are made to stand out by making them red and bold. This is so the audience can navigate their way around the contents page and the whole magazine easily and this will help to make them want to buy it again.
The feedback I got from my first draft showed that my target audience wanted there to be an editorial on the contents page. Therefore I added one and a space for a picture of the editor on the page. I feel this makes the magazine a lot more catered towards it's target audience and also a lot more personal.
Listed Contents
I have included a "plus" section on the contents page too and this is for a few reasons. One is because NME did this on their contents page and I thought it was such a good idea. The other reason is the same as the reason for it on the front cover, to gain a wider audience and make the magazine wanted by lots of people.
Double page spread article
I put a banner across both pages along the top for two reasons. The first reason was to help show that the pages are linked and are part of the same article. The second reason was to show clearly to the reader what the article it, in this instance, it is an interview.
For this image, I chose a long shot to show more of the surroundings and show what the artist looks like. The image also goes across both pages, which trees behind the text on the right hand side page. This further shows that the pages are linked. The background will be trees and grass to connote that the genre of music is indie folk, which is sometimes pictured like this in other magazines.
Headline and Subheading
I have not yet decided on a name or subheading for my article but I have decided where to place them. This draft is different to my second one because I have put all of the article (including the heading and subheading) on the right hand side page because I feel it looks neater and is easier for the reader to follow.
Pull Quotes
There are two pull quotes used in my draft for this page, however I may use more depending on the amount of text I have. I have put one over the image so that it catches the readers eye when they look at the image of the artist. I have also put one in the middle of the text to break it up because my target audience prefer to read articles which are broken up by different features.
Stand First
The stand first has been used in my draft to let the reader into the article slowly and so they don't get straight into a deep part of the article to behind with. My feedback showed that my target audience do prefer the text to be split up into different sections and this is one way of me doing this.
Column Format
I have used a column format for my article because it is easier for the reader to follow, as well as being a magazine convention. Also, it will help to show more of the background which will link the pages because there will be part of the background showing between columns. The columns also make it look like there is less writing, a big block of writing will scare the reader off and also may bore them.
Contents page
I have added details of what I want each picture to look like on this page. For each, I have said the gender of the model, and other key details.
Contents Page
I have followed another magazine convention because I have put the barcode in the bottom, right corner so that it is less noticeable and doesn't take away from anything important on the magazine front cover.
I have placed the price next to the barcode in the bottom, right corner. I put it there because I do not want it to be the first thing the reader sees when they pick up the magazine. This follows a strong magazine convention, therefore I know that it is a good idea and the right place to put it.
I have used a PUG to make the competition stand out from the rest of the page. What I have done it put the coverline saying "WIN tickets to see JONSI LIVE", not only does the PUG make it stand out, but the important words that will get the reader's attention are made more noticeable with capital letters. This is so they stand out in the readers mind.
I have used 3 other coverlines to help entice the reader. One of them is a coverline relating to an article, another is a "GIGs" coverline which will help the audience to find their favourite gigs in the area and the last one is a "Plus" coverline. The plus coverline helps to give the magazine a wider audience and more appeal because if the audience don't like the artist on the front, they get all these other options to convince them to buy the magazine.
Contents page
I have not changed much about the contents page of my magazine because my feedback showed that my target audience liked it for both drafts.
Top BannerI got the idea of calling the contents page of my magazine "Inside This Issue" from the research I did for my first draft into NME's contents page. They called their page "Inside This Week" and I thought this was just a lot more suitable for my target audience and made the magazine seem a lot more friendly.
The layout of the pictures was also influenced by NME because I really liked how clear and simple the layout is, my feedback showed that my target audience likes this layout too.
The page numbers for each items mentioned are made to stand out by making them red and bold. This is so the audience can navigate their way around the contents page and the whole magazine easily and this will help to make them want to buy it again.
The feedback I got from my first draft showed that my target audience wanted there to be an editorial on the contents page. Therefore I added one and a space for a picture of the editor on the page. I feel this makes the magazine a lot more catered towards it's target audience and also a lot more personal.
Listed Contents
I have included a "plus" section on the contents page too and this is for a few reasons. One is because NME did this on their contents page and I thought it was such a good idea. The other reason is the same as the reason for it on the front cover, to gain a wider audience and make the magazine wanted by lots of people.
Double page spread article
Top BannerI put a banner across both pages along the top for two reasons. The first reason was to help show that the pages are linked and are part of the same article. The second reason was to show clearly to the reader what the article it, in this instance, it is an interview.
For this image, I chose a long shot to show more of the surroundings and show what the artist looks like. The image also goes across both pages, which trees behind the text on the right hand side page. This further shows that the pages are linked. The background will be trees and grass to connote that the genre of music is indie folk, which is sometimes pictured like this in other magazines.
Headline and Subheading
I have not yet decided on a name or subheading for my article but I have decided where to place them. This draft is different to my second one because I have put all of the article (including the heading and subheading) on the right hand side page because I feel it looks neater and is easier for the reader to follow.
Pull Quotes
There are two pull quotes used in my draft for this page, however I may use more depending on the amount of text I have. I have put one over the image so that it catches the readers eye when they look at the image of the artist. I have also put one in the middle of the text to break it up because my target audience prefer to read articles which are broken up by different features.
Stand First
The stand first has been used in my draft to let the reader into the article slowly and so they don't get straight into a deep part of the article to behind with. My feedback showed that my target audience do prefer the text to be split up into different sections and this is one way of me doing this.
Column Format
I have used a column format for my article because it is easier for the reader to follow, as well as being a magazine convention. Also, it will help to show more of the background which will link the pages because there will be part of the background showing between columns. The columns also make it look like there is less writing, a big block of writing will scare the reader off and also may bore them.
Reviewed Third Drafts
I was recently given feedback from my teacher about my third drafts. From the feedback, I have decided to make another third draft for the contents page and article page. They will be very similar to my previous third drafts, with just a few extra details added.Contents page
I have added details of what I want each picture to look like on this page. For each, I have said the gender of the model, and other key details.
Article Page
I have now added details of what my heading and pull quotes are going to say. Since making my third drafts, I have also decided on an image to use for this page and used this to help with the layout of my article.
Computer Roughs
Front CoverContents Page
Article Page
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