I finished my first draft of my front cover on photoshop during this week. Therefore, I needed feedback on it. I got feedback from my media teacher and from my target audience.
Teacher feedback:
This feedback has shown me some different things I need to change and adapt on this page. One thing I need to change is general parts of my layout, for example I may need to make my masthead smaller and add in a tagline to help indicate the genre more clearly. I also will need to smooth out the skin of my artist a bit more and whiten her teeth. I will get help from my teacher to do this. Another useful tip this feedback gave me was that I need to use a greater variety of typefaces to make it look more interesting. With this, I should also include a pug to be more eye-catching than the other cover lines. One silly mistake I made was forgetting to put the price on the page, I will add this when I make changes.
Target audience feedback:
I then also got feedback from my target audience. The overall feel I got from this feedback was that they really liked the magazine cover and thought it fit what they wanted very well. However, there are still a few changes I need to make from this feedback. Firstly, I need to make the barcode bigger and add the price of the magazine. Another thing is that they didn't really like the black box around the headline because they felt it broke up the image too much. One last thing that they thought I should change was make sure my whole masthead is the right colour because the outline of it was slightly lighter and I will need to change this.
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