Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Feedback from First Article Draft

Now that I have finished my first draft of my article, I wanted to get feedback from different categories of people to show me how to improve it and what they would prefer. 

The first set feedback I got was from two different teachers in the media department. I wanted to get feedback from them because they know different skills as to how to make it look more professional and I think it will really help my article.
From this feedback, there are many things I will change. One thing I will add is a dropped cap at the start of my article to catch the readers eye. I will also make the questions in my interview stand out more by putting a background colour around them, making the typeface bigger and make it capital letters. As well as that, I will add a pull quote into the text to break it up more. Another feature I will change is to move the artist's name so it is not covering the artist themselves. Also, I will add the name of the writer of the article and use another colour from the image to link the text to the image more clearly.

I also got feedback from my target audience. I got feedback from them because they are the one's who need to like the article and anything they don't like I would like to take into account and change for them.
One mistake I will correct is my use of capital letters in the banner, which is a very simple change to make. One person said I should make a space between the questions and the answers and I think this is a very good idea because it will make it a lot clearer for the reader to understand. My target audience also thought I should make the artists name bigger. This idea hadn't occurred to me and I think it is a good idea because it will make it stand out more. Another mistake I made was that I forgot to put a page number on the article. This a key convention which someone pointed out and I will make sure I add this to it. Like the media teachers, someone members of my target audience said that they thought I should make the questions from the interview a different colour/typeface because they wanted them to stand out more.

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